Jargon Buster - I

I to P converters
Used to convert an electrical control signal (e.g. 4- 20 mA) and convert it to a pneumatic control signal (e.g. 0.2 – 1 bar).
Incondensable gases
These are gases mixed with steam that cannot be condensed out of the mixture, for example; air.
A nickel/chromium/iron alloy which has high temperature strength. It also has excellent corrosion resistance.
Integral control
This is where the output from a controller changes at a rate proportional to the deviation from the set point.
The removal of heat from compressed gas between compression stages.
Intrinsically safe area
An area within a site or factory that must comply with stringent conditions of safety typically with respect to electrical equipment.
Inverted bucket steam trap
A type steam trap that works by sensing the difference in density between steam and condensate. It does this by using an inverted bucket which is not lifted by condensate, which can flow out of the open valve. Steam however acts on the inverted bucket and lifts it and closes the valve off when the trap is full of steam. An inverted bucket type of steam trap must have a water seal (enough water in the trap body) to ensure that it works correctly.
International Organization for Standardization. An international standards setting body that is composed of representatives from various national standards organizations.
Isolation valve
A valve that is used to stop the flow of a fluid. It is designed to be used only as fully open or fully closed.