Engineering P & ID symbols

Engineering P & ID symbols

Need to know what symbols to use for your steam system drawing? In the resource section of you will find a list of steam and process symbols. These symbols are useful for constructing engineering P&ID drawings, as well as when doing sketches of...
About BG01 and INDG 43

About BG01 and INDG 43

BG01 ‘Safe Operation of Steam Boiler Plant’ is a guidance document issued in the UK by the CEA and SAfed, and endorsed by the Health and Safety Executive. INDG436 ‘Safe Management of Industrial Steam and Hot Water Boilers’ is a guide for owners, managers and...
Correct steam trap installation

Correct steam trap installation

Steam traps are an important and often overlooked part of a steam system. They should always be installed correctly to ensure that they operate in the manner that they were designed to do. A large percentage of steam traps fail to work correctly due to incorrect...
SG Iron and steam valves

SG Iron and steam valves

SG iron is a material which is used for valves and other fitting on many steam systems. So what is SG iron? Steammain explains: SG iron is specified as being suitable for use in steam system to PN40. In the USA SG iron is referred to as “semi-steel”. SG iron is an...
steam meter theory

steam meter theory

Steam is a valuable medium and it is wise to measure its usage, data which can then be used to target plant improvement areas, or for monitoring efficiency. A statement by Lord Kelvin illustrates this perfectly: When you can measure what you are speaking about, you...
steam calculators

steam calculators

Have you tried the calculators on our site? You can avoid the pain of traditional longhand engineering calculations; just plug the numbers in and out comes the answer. Why not give our calculators section a try! It allows you to save time when designing or modifying a...