Oct 22, 2014 | Steam Engineering and Design
Steam system comes in all different sizes and layouts. However they are almost without exception, facing rising fuel prices and the need to reduce CO2 emissions. To aid this we have come up with 5 housekeeping tips. 1. Check your steam traps A leaking steam trap could...
Oct 20, 2014 | Steam Engineering and Design
Justifying steam energy saving projects: In a world where sustainability, is the language that Steam Engineers must talk to ensure that their projects happen, they must also present them in a way that justifies them financially and corporately. Communicating the...
Oct 14, 2014 | Steam Engineering and Design
The jargon buster gives simple explanations to words and terms used in steam engineering. From Absolute humidity to Zoning, and lots in between! Have you thought of something that we have missed? Want us to add it to the jargon buster? Well please add your entry below...
Oct 6, 2014 | Steam Engineering and Design
A steam and condensate system can be looked upon as a loop or cycle. There are several stages and pieces of equipment that make up this loop. Below is the overview of a typical loop or cycle. Water supply and treatment; this is essential in allowing the steam to be...
Sep 19, 2014 | Steam Engineering and Design
Have you ever heard a loud bang or hammer-like sound when near a steam system? When water hammer occurs, a momentary and very abrupt pressure change takes place inside the piping. This impact can severely jar piping, piping supports, equipment, damage gaskets, and...
Sep 12, 2014 | Steam Engineering and Design
Steam is generated and used to heat a medium or to drive a mechanical piece of equipment like a steam turbine. To heat a medium the steam gives up its energy by exchanging the heat contained in it by condensing against a heat transfer surface. The steam therefore...