Steam News and Information
This is one of Steam Mains information zones where you’ll find a huge amount of general news and information on steam ,condensate, condensate recovery,, industries that use steam, innovations, legislation relating to steam, steam and condensate valve and trapping along with a huge amount of general news and information on steam.
The posts are catalogues into the following categories

Steam injection and the Dutch Schoonebeek oil field
The oil price is a regular news item, so we thought we would write an article on steam and an enhanced oil recovery plant. Few people think of the Netherlands as oil country, however Schoonebeek was the largest onshore oil field in western Europe when it was...
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steam meter theory
Steam is a valuable medium and it is wise to measure its usage, data which can then be used to target plant improvement areas, or for monitoring efficiency. A statement by Lord Kelvin illustrates this perfectly: When you can measure what you are speaking about, you...
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future of concentrated solar power plants
Following on from our last article on concentrating solar thermal power plants, this article will look at the impact that these plants could have in the future. To generate efficient electricity on a large scale the solar radiation from the sun needs to be...
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steam calculators
Have you tried the calculators on our site? You can avoid the pain of traditional longhand engineering calculations; just plug the numbers in and out comes the answer. Why not give our calculators section a try! It allows you to save time when designing or modifying a...
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steam leaks
Steam is a valuable medium and any leaks should be dealt with properly and quickly. Live steam leaks are a significant and highly visible waste of energy, as well as being a possible health and safety risk. A steam leak results in the loss of both latent and sensible...
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ESOS energy savings opportunity scheme
ESOS, launched on 26th June 2014 by the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is in response to the upcoming implementation of Article 8 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive. So what is ESOS? It stands for energy saving opportunity scheme. It requires all...
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F35C Joint strike fighter completes 100 steam catapult launches
The carrier variant of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II combat aircraft has completed more than 100 steam catapult launches and arrested landings during its first two weeks of sea trials, aboard the USS Nimitz as of the 13th of November. The two C-model test...
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Solar thermal power plant and steam
Steam is used extensively in the power industry to produce electricity. High pressure steam is used to turn a steam turbine at thousands of revolutions per minute, which is connected to an electrical generator. This electrical generator then generates electricity...
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Minimize Boiler Blowdown, save energy
To protect a steam boiler, and produce the correct quality of steam, the water quality in the boiler must be maintained. Even when a good and correct water treatment plant and regime is used there will still be a requirement to blow impurities out of the boiler. If we...
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steam boiler economiser
An economiser on a steam boiler is a sure way to fuel and therefore cost savings, as well as C02 reductions. In this article we look at what an economizer is and installing on steam boilers. A feedwater economiser is a heat exchanger which recovers heat from the flue...
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Superheated steam introduction
Superheated steam, sounds like something out of science fiction. In actual fact it’s not. Superheated steam is formed by the further heating of saturated steam. It is therefore hotter and contains more energy than saturated steam. Superheated steam does not however...
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5 tips for steam system efficiency
Steam system comes in all different sizes and layouts. However they are almost without exception, facing rising fuel prices and the need to reduce CO2 emissions. To aid this we have come up with 5 housekeeping tips. 1. Check your steam traps A leaking steam trap could...
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Justifying energy saving projects
Justifying steam energy saving projects: In a world where sustainability, is the language that Steam Engineers must talk to ensure that their projects happen, they must also present them in a way that justifies them financially and corporately. Communicating the...
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sand oil extraction and steam
Oil sand is a type of sand permeated with natural bitumen, a type of petroleum which has the consistency of butter. The oil can be separated from the sand and then heated so that it can flow in pipelines or be tankered to a refinery. In the past decade high oil prices...
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Jargon buster for steam
The jargon buster gives simple explanations to words and terms used in steam engineering. From Absolute humidity to Zoning, and lots in between! Have you thought of something that we have missed? Want us to add it to the jargon buster? Well please add your entry below...
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Museums and steam humidification
When you visit a Museum, you will probably marvel at the exhibits, not realising that at the same time steam is playing a key role in keeping the exhibits in prime condition. Steam is used to keep the level of humidity in museums at a stable level safeguarding the...
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What a steam system is
A steam and condensate system can be looked upon as a loop or cycle. There are several stages and pieces of equipment that make up this loop. Below is the overview of a typical loop or cycle. Water supply and treatment; this is essential in allowing the steam to be...
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Turbinia and the steam turbine
Known as the ‘North Sea Greyhound’, the Turbinia was a revolutionary ship designed and built by Charles Parsons in conjunction with Brown and Hood, a firm of experienced sheet metal workers based in Wallsend on Tyne in the north east of England. She was launched on...
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Charles Parsons steam turbine inventor
Today it is estimated that approximately 80 percent of the world’s electricity is generated by steam turbines turning their attached generators. Without steam turbines the lights would literally go out over the world. This is the story of Parsons its inventor. Charles...
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New York city and steam
The “Big Apple,” New York City, where does one start when describing this place! Home of so many landmarks , Statute of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan, to name but a few!, the United Nations, Wall Street, we could go on. An unlikely place you might think to have...
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