Steam News and Information
This is one of Steam Mains information zones where you’ll find a huge amount of general news and information on steam ,condensate, condensate recovery,, industries that use steam, innovations, legislation relating to steam, steam and condensate valve and trapping along with a huge amount of general news and information on steam.
The posts are catalogues into the following categories

Waterhammer from steam
Have you ever heard a loud bang or hammer-like sound when near a steam system? When water hammer occurs, a momentary and very abrupt pressure change takes place inside the piping. This impact can severely jar piping, piping supports, equipment, damage gaskets, and...
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Steam car in pictures
Following on from our previous article on the world record holding steam car please find below a collection of pictures and videos of the car. At time of writing the car is on display at the National Motor Museum in Beaulieu, Hampshire, UK. It is part of a display of...
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Why recover condensate?
Steam is generated and used to heat a medium or to drive a mechanical piece of equipment like a steam turbine. To heat a medium the steam gives up its energy by exchanging the heat contained in it by condensing against a heat transfer surface. The steam therefore...
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Supercritical solar world record and steam
In May 2014 a world first was achieved by CSIRO, which has used solar energy to generate ‘supercritical’ steam, at the highest temperatures ever achieved outside of fossil fuel sources. CSIRO, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, is...
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steam plate heat exchangers
Steam is used in many applications as a primary heating medium, typically to heat water. An increasingly common way of doing this is to use a plate heat exchanger. A plate heat exchanger consists of a number of ‘plates’ packaged together with openings between them to...
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Using the sun to generate steam
There are many research projects around the globe which are looking at new ways to harness the energy of the sun to generate steam. One example of this is at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA. A team of researchers have developed a new material...
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BG01 compliance help
BG01 ‘Safe Operation of Steam Boiler Plant’ is a new guidance document issued in the UK by the CEA and SAfed, and endorsed by the HSE to replace the guidance documents PM5 and PSG2. It was released in October 2011. Any industrial and or, commercial sites, which have...
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steam and aerated concrete building blocks
Aerated concrete blocks, are very popular in the building industry. Most new homes built in the United Kingdom use them in their construction and they are used extensively worldwide. The usual building construction mode being a brick outer wall, cavity (which may be...
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Solar, Google, and steam
Solar, google, and steam are three words which you may not associate together. Well you may wish to think again. The largest solar thermal power plant in the world, part owned by Google uses steam and steam turbines to convert the energy of the sun into usable...
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what is a steam trapping station
The humble steam trap. A vital but often overlooked part of a steam system. It is easy for steam traps to be forgotten about when steam boilers, steam turbines, heat exchangers, and large impressive bits of plant take up the limelight. However steam traps and correct...
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steam pressure reducing station
There are good reasons to reduce steam pressure on a saturated steam system. This is done by using a pressure reducing valve. To ensure that this valve works correctly, can be maintained, and there is some form of safety back up, the valve will almost certainly form...
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british steam car and steam
Since the beginning of time mankind has wanted to break barriers by travelling ever faster. The current speed record for a wheeled car on land is 763mph, set by Andy Green on 15th October 1997. Wing Commander Andy Green was driving Thrust SSC, the first car to...
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top gun and steam
Top Gun, the 1986 block buster, staring among others, Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer has one of those openings which just “grabs” you. The drum beats, the arty shots on an aircraft carrier deck, the building up of tension, the team work from deck crew, the F14 Tomcat jet...
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Cardboard and steam
The humble cardboard box is something which is often overlooked and taken for granted, however it is an important part of our everyday lives. From the high tech electrical goods which come packed in stout cardboard boxes to protect them, to the...
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X47B catapult launch
On the 14th of May 2013 a X47B demonstrator made its first flight from the aircraft carrier USS George H.W Bush. This created history, being the first flight of an unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) from an aircraft carrier. The launch used one of the ships four steam...
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University and steam
Steam undoubtedly has its place in modern engineering. This can be seen by the vast number of everyday goods that use steam during their production, or the similar number of services that need steam to make sure they function. When researching how much ‘steam’ is...
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