Steam News and Information
This is one of Steam Mains information zones where you’ll find a huge amount of general news and information on steam ,condensate, condensate recovery,, industries that use steam, innovations, legislation relating to steam, steam and condensate valve and trapping along with a huge amount of general news and information on steam.
The posts are catalogues into the following categories

Steam Screw Expander
Steam turbines work by converting the energy of high-pressure steam into mechanical energy to turn an electrical generator or other piece of equipment. The exhaust from the steam turbine being low pressure steam. There is however a type of technology which is worth...
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Moroccan Noor 1 solar plant and steam
Further to our previous articles on concentrated solar thermal power plants (CSP), we are pleased to hear the news that the first phase of a giant new plant is shortly to begin operation in Morocco. This first phase is called Noor 1. It is part...
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Nuclear submarines and steam
Like or loath them, Nuclear submarines, the vessels that slip silently under the sea travelling for months submerged, rely on steam. Nuclear powered submarines can generally be divided into two types, the ‘Attack,’ and ‘Bomber’ type. The attack submarines are designed...
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World’s largest gas turbine
The world’s largest gas turbine, built at General Electric’s (GE) manufacturing facility in Belfort, France is being installed at the Électricité de France (EDF) plant in Bouchain, France. The first firing of the turbine is scheduled for December and commercial...
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Coal fired power plant steam use
Fossil fuel and nuclear power accounts for approximately 80% of the world’s total grid-connected electrical power supply. Coal is the most used of the fossil fuels. When people think of steam and coal they generally think of the industrial revolution and steam trains....
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Gas turbine power plants and steam
There are many power plants across the globe that use gas turbines to generate electricity. Steam plays an important part in the production of electricity on these sites, including the use of steam injection into the gas turbine itself. Whilst Sir Frank Whittle, is...
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Steam tables
These are tables that allow steam designers and users to look up data on the properties of steam. This allows calculations to be made to ensure the best use of steam, and to help in identifying and diagnosing problems. The tables themselves are a collection of data on...
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Clean steam types
Steam is used in many different applications and processes. In most of these cases what is called ‘plant’ is used, which is fit for purpose and very effective. In some cases however steam has to be of a higher purity level. This is generally labelled as ‘clean’ steam....
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Steam traps and trapping
This article is a comprehensive explanation of steam traps and trapping and includes explanations of what they are, details of the relevant technical standards, describes the various types explains the importance of maintenance What is a steam trap? Very simply it’s a...
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Paris district steam system
Paris the capital of France is served by a large district heating system using steam, in fact the system contains 450 km of steam pipework. Paris is an important centre of finance, commerce, fashion, science, and the arts. In 2014 Paris received 22.4 million visitors,...
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Hospital steam use
There are many hospitals which use steam, as it is a vital part of allowing hospitals to function and treat patients. Steam permits high energy densities and enables large amounts of energy to be moved around easily. Steam is used for many applications in hospitals,...
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Palm oil and steam
Palm oil is used for food products, detergents, cosmetics and increasingly biofuel. Example products include; shampoo, ice cream, margarine, and lipstick, which all contain palm oil. The list of products that rely on the unique properties of palm oil is long, with one...
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Waste, steam, district heating, and Nottingham
There are many towns and cities around the world that use district heating, and many of these district heating systems also use steam. For an example of this in the UK we chose Nottingham, where domestic and commercial waste is used for both electricity and heat....
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Geothermal energy and steam
Power from inside the planet is an affordable and sustainable solution to energy needs for many parts of the planet, and steam is a vital part of its generation. Heat from the earth can be used as an energy source in many ways, from large and complex power stations to...
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Ellenroad steam museum closure threat
A steam museum which houses the sole working survivors of the great twin horizontal tandem compound steam engines which powered Lancashire's mills throughout the latter part of the industrial revolution may have to close because of an unexpectedly high utility bill....
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Textile services and steam
Ever wondered how sheets, pillow cases, and table linen are pressed on a large scale for large hotels? Laundry services are normally outsourced and/or centralised by many large organisations. These may be hotels, hospitals, even prisons. Laundries that have a capacity...
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Steam trap survey and energy saving
The long term price of energy continues to rise, and organisations are under constant pressure to save energy and drive costs down. Sustainability has become a hot topic, and for many organisations a focus area. This has understandably led to energy hungry items such...
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Steam thermocompressor
Steam is the common source of heat in many process industries. There is a financial cost associated with the generation of this steam, so it is therefore imperative that its use is optimized as much as possible. One way on large industrial plants which often vent...
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Tyre production steam use
If asked the question what is the most important part of your vehicle, how would you reply? Many might say the engine, or steering wheel, however it can be said that tyres are the most important part. Tyres are the only thing on your vehicle that is actually in...
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Steam, an illustrious past
Whilst steammain tries to concentrate on modern uses of steam it would be wrong not to illustrate the key role that steam has played in history. Anyone with a small degree of interest in engineering or such related topics will be able to tell you that steam engines...
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