Steam News and Information
This is one of Steam Mains information zones where you’ll find a huge amount of general news and information on steam ,condensate, condensate recovery,, industries that use steam, innovations, legislation relating to steam, steam and condensate valve and trapping along with a huge amount of general news and information on steam.
The posts are catalogues into the following categories

Steam catapult
Thanks to steam and its unique properties, state of the art supersonic jet aircraft, can take off armed and fuelled from the short deck of an aircraft carrier. Something, which would otherwise take several thousand feet of runway. Steam catapults are also used to...
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Steam boiler carryover
Carryover is the generic term that is most commonly used to describe the situation when any solid, liquid or vaporous contaminant leaves a steam boiler and goes into the attached steam system. Clearly a high level of steam purity is a good thing, each and every steam...
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Sugar production and steam
Steam is an integral part of the production of sugar, not something people normally think of when they put sugar in their tea or coffee. Sugar can be produced from sugar cane or sugar beet. Sugar cane was originally grown for the sole purpose of chewing, in South East...
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Clinical waste and steam
During the course of our lives we will almost certainly use medical and healthcare facilities; examples could include hospitals and dentists. To provide the healthcare services these facilities will generate clinical waste which must be disposed of in a safe...
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FREME and energy saving
Energy saving is always a hot topic and one such system designed to provide savings is the FREME package. First let get the acronym explanation out of the way! FREME stands for Flash Recovery Energy Management Equipment (who makes these things up!). Manufactured by...
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Toilet paper and steam
Following on from our last article on paper, we decided to cover the topic of toilet paper, otherwise known as tissue paper, and how steam is vital to its manufacture. Tissue paper manufacturing machines are very similar to paper machines. However they are smaller in...
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Paper production and steam
Paper is one of the most commonly used commodities in existence. A huge range of products, from newspapers, books, magazines, to money, and packaging are made from paper. Whilst the electronic world, with activity increasing done online, the use of tablets and...
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Old steam engineering educational videos
They don’t make steam engineering education videos like this now! This collection from the 80’s and early 90’s, while showing some classic haircuts and fashion makes interesting viewing. Time has moved on but the principals of steam engineering remain the same. We...
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Steammain steam engineering resources
Have you visited our resources section yet? It is there to help with all things to do with steam engineering. It consists of: Jargon buster. This gives simple explanations to words and terms used in steam engineering. From Absolute humidity to Zoning, and lots in...
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Steam accumulator
This article provides an overview into the subject of steam accumulators; what they are, why they are used, and how they work. A steam accumulator is a pressure vessel which is used to store energy at times of surplus for release at a later time when there is demand...
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Prefabricated steam trap station
Steam traps are not normally installed just on their own. To aid maintenance and to protect the trap itself they are installed with other items. These will vary depending on the trap application and location. A standard steam trapping set that will cover most mains...
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Solar enhanced oil recovery and steam
Strange as it might sound, the combination of steam and the sun is being used to help extract oil. Around two-thirds of the oil in an average field remains underground because it is too costly to extract. If the oil is especially thick, the amount left behind can be...
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TLV Cospect all in one steam pressure reducing valve
The TLV Cospect valve is an all in one solution to the traditional pressure reducing valve, strainer, separator, and steam trap combination. Built into the single valve is a; strainer, separator, and steam trap, as well as the PRV itself. This makes for a much more...
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National portrait gallery and steam humidification
The National Portrait Gallery in London holds over 1000 portrait pictures. Situated in central London, just off Trafalgar Square it is not a place that you would think would have a steam system. However steam is used for humidification and for heating onsite. Steam is...
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Engineering P & ID symbols
Need to know what symbols to use for your steam system drawing? In the resource section of you will find a list of steam and process symbols. These symbols are useful for constructing engineering P&ID drawings, as well as when doing sketches of future...
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About BG01 and INDG 43
BG01 ‘Safe Operation of Steam Boiler Plant’ is a guidance document issued in the UK by the CEA and SAfed, and endorsed by the Health and Safety Executive. INDG436 ‘Safe Management of Industrial Steam and Hot Water Boilers’ is a guide for owners, managers and...
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Correct steam trap installation
Steam traps are an important and often overlooked part of a steam system. They should always be installed correctly to ensure that they operate in the manner that they were designed to do. A large percentage of steam traps fail to work correctly due to incorrect...
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Solar cooking in India
While India is well-known for delicious food, a less well known fact is that solar cooking using steam is growing in India. Solar cooking in India has received steady support from the Indian government, non-profit organizations and several international organizations...
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SG Iron and steam valves
SG iron is a material which is used for valves and other fitting on many steam systems. So what is SG iron? Steammain explains: SG iron is specified as being suitable for use in steam system to PN40. In the USA SG iron is referred to as “semi-steel”. SG iron is an...
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bread production and steam
Did you know that steam is used extensively in commercial bakeries to produce bread? Steam is critical to the proving stage of bread production, as well as ensuring that there is a nice glossy crusty crust on your bread. Steammain looks at the ingredients, the...
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